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Here's How Personalized Technology Platform Is Changing K12 Education In India

Here's how personalized technology platform is changing K12 education in India

It is a well-known fact that K12 education in India is one of the largest K12 education sectors across the world, with about 24.61% of the total population of 1.33 billion falling under the 3-18 years range. With a gross enrolment ratio of 69.25% and the tally of students receiving school education in India standing at 230 million, the school education sector can be rightly identified as one of the most crucial elements towards growth and development of the youngest population in the world.
These details are quite visible to the various government arms in India tasked with ensuring quality education is easily accessible to all, and the government has been tirelessly working towards reforms in school education.
With initiatives like the CBSE making board results directly available on Google, the Delhi government introducing the happiness, cleanliness and special curricula in government schools, and the government removing detention and limiting the maximum permissible weight of school bags, it is clear that reforms in K12 education are a top priority for the Indian government.
The HRD Ministry of India has also been quite hands on towards ensuring a level playing field for all in the education sector. With so much happening in the school education in India, this is the best time to discuss the challenges faced by students in 2020 and how those challenges could be tackled with augmenting traditional learning with the help of cutting-edge technology.

Challenges faced by Modern-day students

Now the time has changed and the students need to know the information related to technical, environmental, general knowledge, technology and more. Thus, some of the major problems are easily identified.

Availability of education to the underprivileged

Many Indian schools are quite expensive which is not affordable by the majority of students. This is one of the reasons as to why the students are lacking behind in their studies. Not only primary and secondary education but also higher education is becoming costly for the students.

Focus on conceptual clarity

Students need to get the desired knowledge that provides them value when they apply for future jobs. Now, the same old study material and big fat books won't cut it for students anymore. Since India is revolutionizing slowly and gradually, most areas of India do not even have proper teachers and mentors to guide the students. Thus, education needs to be imparted through truly interactive media.
Gamification - A novel change in the education market
To resolve the issues faced by the students, some schools in India have gradually started implementing technologies such as the virtual reality that increases the attention of students towards academics. The media has evolved and education needs to leverage this evolution of media and impart enriching learning content to students in smarter ways. So, multimedia is being used by educational institutions as it has a great impact on the studies of a student. It creates awareness among the students and develops their general knowledge skills.
The digital technology of learning is continuously improvising the way students are being taught in India. The traditional classroom studies have now become more of a playground in which the eLearning elements are influencing students in a better way.
Online learning tools such as mobile applications are allowing students to learn while they play. This process of providing e-learning and the concept of K-12 education in India has also affected the performance of schools as the students get the personalized experience while they learn with digital media. This is an incredible approach to create a positive change in the education of India and to make the children an asset of the nation.

Gamified Concept Of Learning

The challenges in the education system can be easily dissolved by the gamified approach. Online learning platforms provides relevant academic content to the students that help them to study in a fun and engaging way.
The amazing graphics create curiosity in the minds of a student to learn more and in a better way. Since the core subjects, math and science are quite complicated for a student to learn, the gamification technique helps them to learn these interestingly. Gamification indulges a student in studies better than the textbooks as the visuals and audio allow them to understand efficiently.

Difference that gamification will create

Gamified learning approach facilitates a child to achieve a systematic learning pattern rather than making them feel the pressure of leaning into their textbooks. Children win rewards such as coins while they play such games, which helps them to take more interest and enforces confidence among them to learn the subject with complete efficiency.

Future of K12 education in India

Mobile applications bring a change in the teaching and learning pattern as well for teachers and students. It not only enhances the skills of a child but also contributes to improving the educational status of the country. With such app, students will be able to evaluate their intelligence by playing the chapters online and by answering the questions that are relevant to their school syllabus.
If this implementation of such mobile applications continues in different schools of India, soon there will be more digital classrooms with efficiently trained faculties and technologies such as AR/VR to influence the studies of the students.


Brilliance should be the key aspect that we must have in India. Thus, our education system must have cutting-edge transformation. The gamified approach used by the education institute and organizations has provided an interactive and amazing way for students to learn their core subjects in math and science. Similar reforms would be much needed in coming times to ensure the best learning is available to students across socio-economic strata in India.


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