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Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 likely to be declared today, Check BSEB Matric Result at

Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 likely to be declared today, Check BSEB Matric Result at

Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 Today: Going by the latest update, Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) is expected to announce Bihar 10th Result 2020 for Matric Class students today. The BSEB 10th Result 2020 is likely to be announced today, after the board completes the scrutiny process for the BSEB Matric Toppers. After the completion of evaluation work on 15th May 2020, Bihar Board had ordered officials to bring the answer scripts or copies of Bihar 10th Toppers 2020 to the Patna Office for scrutiny. Once the scrutiny process and telephonic interviews are completed, Bihar Board will announce BSEB Matric Result 2020 online on their official website. Candidates and students have been waiting for Bihar 10th Class Result 2020 for nearly two months now, since March 2020. Their long and anxious wait for the Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 will end today, when the board announces result.

Following the trend of previous years, the Bihar Board is expected to announce BSEB 10th Result 2020 online on its official website i.e. and Once announced, a direct link to check Bihar 10th Result 2020 will also be made available to the students below, from where students will be able to check their results.

Toppers’ Scrutiny Process Begins

As part of the toppers’ scrutiny process, the Bihar Board conducts a second round of thorough testing of the students’ answer sheets. As part of this process, answer sheets of students who have been termed as toppers after the first round of evaluation, have been taken to Board’s office for a second round of checking. Two BSEB officials have been deployed in each district to complete this task, while 4 officials have been appointed for the same in Patna and adjoining areas. After the scrutiny and verification of Bihar Matric Toppers List 2020, Result can be expected soon

Bihar 10th Result 2020 Today

According to the latest update coming from Bihar Board office in Patna, official sources have hinted that the results for Class 10 students might be out as early as on 20th May 2020. However, media reports have also emerged which claim that BSEB Matric Result 2020 will be declared on 19th May 2020 itself. With evaluation work already completed and punching in of result data and marks also over, Bihar 10th Result 2020 is expected to be announced soon. Like very year, the board is expected to declare results online on their official websites i.e. and Alternatively, Bihar Board Results 2020 will also be available at bihar10.

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