FAST App First Aid for Teachers and Students (FAST)
The FAST mobile application is designed for students and teachers on first aid, it is an easy to use application with lessons and graphics used in reasonable proportions.
The mobile application has life-saving skill sets, emergency numbers for ambulances, passwords for better retention and implementation, and finally dos and don'ts for precaution.
Corner level official; A delegation of the Political Race Commission at the grass-root level.
For the advanced investment of voters in the appointment process and to reduce component acts of neglect, it is fundamental to improve the discretionary nomination process and the nature of the discretionary rolls. The Stall Level Official (BLO) is a nearby government / semi-government official, familiar with the neighborhood bowlers and one of the most surveyed voters to refresh the move in using the information around them. helps. Truth be told, the BLO is a representative of the Political Race Commission of India (ECI) at the grassroots level, which considers it an essential task for revision from time to time and collects actual field data, as compared to survey area This step has been allocated to him.
Under section 13B (2) of the Delineation of Persons Act, 1950, the name of BLO is derived from among the officers of the Government. / Semi government / neighboring bodies. For the most part, a BLO component is responsible for one piece of the roll. Since August 2006, the Commission has chosen to present the idea of naming the BLO which may be responsible for guaranteeing the devotion to the appointment roll. +.
The ECI introduced this new system of handing the BLO away from responsibility for readiness of the fault-free appointment step, making the BLO its steward at the stall level of the survey. Already voter-proof proof slips were appropriated by challenging contestants from various ideological groups and which expanded the protest. The planning of the exact component roll and the direct dispersal of the BLO's past identifiable proof sneak helped to increase voter confidence in the credibility of the political decision process.
The BLO helps eligible residents become voters and obtain voter cards. The BLO measures those various structures by extension, cancellation and constitution move, makes physical confirmation, and gives its report to the Discretionary Enforcement Officer (ERO). The BLO collaborates with representatives of surrounding individuals / ideological groups and identifies dead / moved. / Voters should be expelled from prescribed steps after due treatment of law. Must visit this blog regularly for most recent views of various brands and other innovation updates.
Latest circular on how to use first aid (fast) application for teachers and students
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