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Nishtha Talim Module Nishtha Talim On Diksha Module Wise Link

Nishtha Talim Module | Nishtha Talim On Diksha Module Wise Link

NISHTHA is a capacity building program to "improve the quality of schooling through integrated teacher training". It aims to build efficiency among all teachers and school principals at the initial level. Nisha is the world's largest teacher training program of its kind.

The Department of School Education and Literacy has launched a national mission to improve learning outcomes at the primary level through an integrated teacher training program called NISHTHA under the centrally sponsored scheme of Composite Education in 2109-20.

NISHTHA is a capacity building program to "improve the quality of schooling through integrated teacher training". It aims to build efficiency among all teachers and school principals at the initial level. NISHTHA is the world's largest teacher training program of its kind. The primary objective of this massive training program is to inspire and equip teachers to encourage and promote critical thinking in students. This initiative is the first in which nationally standardized training modules have been developed for all states and union territories.

The module "Health and Wellbeing in Schools" attempts to develop understanding among participants (target group) about basic concepts related to health, well-being, physical development, emotional well-being, mental health, healthy eating habits, and hygiene. In all children, it refers to educational processes to develop healthy attitudes and behaviors. The entire purpose of the module is to realize the importance of a healthy and safe environment for children in school. , Laptops etc.) safe use, Kovid-19 security protocols, protection against violence-harassment and disaster management etc.

The presented module focuses on enabling teachers to develop personal-social qualities, beliefs, children's moods etc. on a psychological basis to create a safe and healthy environment. These qualities are woven into everyday behavior and developed into 'Self'. This module will help students develop such qualities and develop skills in creating a classroom and school environment where everyone thinks about each other's well being.

The module "Health and Wellbeing in Schools" attempts to develop understanding among participants (target group) about basic concepts related to health, well-being, physical development, emotional well-being, mental health, healthy eating habits, and hygiene. In all children, it refers to educational processes to develop healthy attitudes and behaviors. The entire purpose of the module is to realize the importance of a healthy and safe environment for children in school. , Laptops etc.) safe use, Kovid-19 security protocols, protection against violence-harassment and disaster management etc.

The National Resource Group (NRG) will train the Chief Resource Persons (KRP) and State Resource Persons-Leadership (SRPL) of the States / Union Territories. An NRG consists of 15 national level resource persons. A State Resource Group (SRG) consists of 05 KRPs and 01 SRPL from SCERTs, DIETs, CTEs, IASEs. The SRGs will train school teachers and school principals (officers at district, block and cluster level). All teachers, Principal, Block Resource Center Coordinator (BRC) and Cluster Resource Center Coordinator (SRC) at primary school level will be trained by the SRG.

Module Name And Join Link:
  1. Module 1 GJ_અભ્યાસક્રમ અને સમાવેશી વર્ગખંડો (NISHTHA) Click Here
  2. Module 2:- GJ_વ્યક્તિગત-સામાજિક ગુણોનો વિકાસ અને સલામત તેમજ સ્વસ્થ શાળા ભાવાવરણનું નિર્માણ (NISHTHA) Click Here
  3. Module 3 GJ_શાળાઓમાં આરોગ્ય અને સુખાકારી (NISHTHA) Click Here
  4. Module 4 GJ_અધ્યયન, અધ્યાપન અને મૂલ્યાંકનમાં ICT નું સંકલન (NISHTHA) Click here
  5. Module 5 GJ_અધ્યયન અધ્યાપન પ્રક્રિયામાં જેન્ડરને સંકલન કરવું (NISHTHA) Click here
  6. Module 6 GJ_કલા સંકલિત શિક્ષણ (NISHTHA) Click here
  7. Module 7 GJ_શાળા આધારિત  મૂલ્યાંકન(NISHTHA) Click Here
  8. Module 8 GJ_પર્યાવરણ અભ્યાસનું શિક્ષણશાસ્ત્ર(NISHTHA) Click Here
  9. Module 9 GJ_ગણિતનું પદ્ધતિશાસ્ત્ર(NISHTHA) Click Here
  10. GJ_સામાજિક વિજ્ઞાનનું શિક્ષણ(NISHTHA) Click Here
  11. GJ_ભાષાઓનું અધ્યાપનશાસ્ત્ર(NISHTHA) Click Here
  12. GJ_વિજ્ઞાનનું અધ્યાપન-શાસ્ત્ર (NISHTHA) Click Here
  13. GJ_શાળા નેતૃત્વ : સંકલ્પના અને ઉપયોજન (NISHTHA) Click Here
  14. GJ_શાળા શિક્ષણ માં પહેલ (NISHTHA) Click Here
  15. GJ_પૂર્વપ્રાથમિક શિક્ષણ (NISHTHA) Click Here
  16. GJ_પૂર્વ વ્યાવસાયિક શિક્ષણ (NISHTHA) Click Here
  17. GJ_કોવિડ-૧૯ના પરિપ્રેક્ષ્યમાં: શાળા શિક્ષણમાં પડકારો (NISHTHA) Click Here
  18. GJ_POCSO અધિનિયમ - 2012 (NISHTHA) Click Here

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