Congress Spokesperson writes a letter to the Chief Minister seeking immediate reversal of the decision to lock down 6000 schools in rural areas. He alleged that the state government's policy of closing down educational institutions has been promoting government and grant-in-aid commercialization-privatization of education in Gujarat for the last several years by forcing the education department. In the name of the number of government schools in Gujarat, the number of schools with fewer students in a row is less than the number of schools in the state. Has started. Dr. Manish Doshi has sent a letter to the Chief Minister demanding this. Due to the policy of the state government's education department and the primary education government's direct order from the state's rural director, the government has expressed fears that 6 schools in the state will be locked in a total of 6000 schools in the 5-11 area. With this step of the government, the plans of Dr. Manish Doshi has been locked up with immediate effect and has gone to Aravalli, Kutch and Kutch. In this way, Kutch will be hit hard by the letter of the Director of Primary Education dated 5-11-2050, especially for girls education in rural areas including the education department and Morbi. 14 schools of the district have been locked. Due to which the chief spokesperson of the Congress, Dr. Doshi said the government has been delaying the appointment of poor and common class children in rural Kutch and teachers in grant-aided educational institutions, especially the deprivation of daughters' right to education. At the same time, it is feared that the structure of the granted institutions will be dismantled. Approval or procedure for appointment to vacant posts of rural department in every district including death, retirement in these institutions to be placed in the state is being locked up in government schools, which is serious and the department is not doing. Mandatory self-concern to grant-aided organizations, he added.
Application form given by Primary Teachers Union Junagadh: Dharna will be held from 4th regarding the issues of primary teachers. Primary teachers are determined to carry out state wide agitation. There will be state-wide programs. An application letter was handed over to the district collector by Junagadh Primary Teachers Union Federation today. And the over setup in which it is said that, in the coming days as a preliminary result, the teachers are agitating in the schools for the questions of the teachers. From time to time, there will be a fight over many issues and demand for 200 grade pay. In which a large number of all are running, which has come to this day, the primary teachers of H.Tat Head Teacher will join.
Due to corona, the university and library were closed and students could not do research work. The deadline was extended again. 2020 students will have to do this research for six years instead of five. The five-year term was given by the UGC, but each was by the Uni.Grant Commission of all the states in the country. The important thing is that there is so much time. The students who will be in the fifth year will be reminded that the PhD-MPhil universities in different universities have many students even after the increase. Uni. He had to submit his PhD-MPhil by Corona UGC and the scope of submission of thesis is increasing. The last time he submitted to the Grants Commission was due to the epidemic. That, December could not. The first one year extension by UGC has been extended to December 2020, while the deadline is December 2020 and now June 2021. Due to which UGC was formed. Now students from all over the country, students cannot do PhD or be presented. In order to extend the period till now, instead of five years as per the rule, these candidates are now required to submit their professors in six years and complete the present MPhil. The Grant Commission has arrived. Such an urgency has been made by UGC to its own research-research essays in view of the situation. He introduced the students who have completed the last five years in the country and the reason given is that the students who have been closing the universities and libraries since last June. However, due to the Corona epidemic, in order to submit this status in June 2021, they will have to give time till June 30, 2021 to announce the deadline for the students as their research work has arisen due to their PhD-MPhil thesis. UGC was supposed to be submitted but they could not do one now. The students have been in research for five years. In view of the current situation, which is due to the previous Corona epidemic, till June 2021, and in view of the current situation, each university has given a PhD or time limit to the students in June 2020 in view of this guideline of UGC. Keeping in mind that the decision to grant rule extension has been completed by keeping in view which and how many students have got PhD and MPhil as per the deadline for submission of this MPhil thesis.
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