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For the first time in India, a teacher has received a Global Tier Award (Global Teacher Prize).

 Ranjit Singh Disald, a 32-year-old winner from Maharashtra, has won the Global Teacher Prize for his efforts to promote girls' learning and connect them to technology in a primary school in India. (About 7 crore 38 lakh rupees). Rashtrajit Dichal has now announced to give half of this amount to his colleagues, the school is completely closed during the time of Kareena epidemic, digital winning has taken place in schools. But that's not enough. Girls, in particular, are going after them because they have less mobile in their hands. On the other hand, the education of a small village in the country at such a time has made a great contribution to the education of girls, (Ge is this. It seemed straightforward that the people who kept the animals and came to work in the store room had no interest in educating their children, especially their daughters, because they believed that there was nothing to change. .

(Photo.twitter) U) | Ranjit Singh Disau took on the responsibility of changing this situation. Preparing children for education was not the only task. There was another problem with it. The textbooks were in a gradation. The technology was to provide QR codes so that Struds could attend video lectures and listen to poems in their own language. The rate of child marriage in the village and surrounding areas started declining rapidly. In 2017, the Maharashtra government proposed that all maturing sequences be linked to Tan, after which Disal's talk was first conducted on an experimental level, and the state government announced that Tebi would start textbooks for all animals in the state as well. Now the NCERT has also made this announcement.

Disale, a primary school teacher in Solapur's severely deficient district, received the award for the world's largest teacher for his efforts. The award was launched in 2014 with the aim of awarding an outstanding teacher to the Wark Foundation for its outstanding contribution, with 12,000 teachers from around the world entering this year. As soon as the prize money was announced, Disale announced to distribute half of the remaining amount among fellow participating teachers. They say the teacher always believes in giving and sharing. It is worth noting that each runner-up who shares half of the prize money will receive હજાર 40,000.

Mumbai: An education in Maharashtra has won the Global Teacher Award for its efforts to promote girls' education in a primary school and connect them with technology. The 32-year-old winner, Ranjit Singh Disale, has received a prize of લાખ 10 lakh (about Rs 7 crore 38 lakh). Ranjit Disal has now announced to give half of this amount to his colleagues.

Schools are completely closed during the Corona epidemic. Digital learning is happening in schools but it is not enough. Girls in particular are lagging behind because they have less mobile in their hands. On the other hand, the education of a small village in the country at such a time has made a great contribution in the education of girls.

This is the case of Paritevadi village in Solapur district of Maharashtra. When Disale arrived at the primary school in 2009, the condition of the school was very bad. The building named after the school was in poor condition. Apparently they were coming to work keeping the animals and the store room. People had no interest in educating their children and especially their daughters because they believed that it would not change anything.

Ranjit Singh Disale translated the textbooks into the mother tongue one by one. (Photo-twitter)

Ranjit Singh Disale took the responsibility to change this situation. Going from house to house preparing children’s parents for education was not the only task. Another problem was that the textbooks were in English. Disale then translated the textbooks into the mother tongue one by one. It also added technology. The technology was to provide QR codes so that students could attend video lectures and listen to poems and stories in their own language. Since then, the rate of child marriage in the village and surrounding areas has been declining rapidly.

This teacher from Solapur did it even before introducing QR code in textbooks in Maharashtra. Disal then did not stop. In the year 2017, they proposed to the Maharashtra government that all the courses should be attached to it. Disale's talk was then carried out at an earlier experimental level and finally the state government announced that they would launch QR code textbooks in the state for all categories. Now the NCERT has also made this announcement.

ગુજરાતી માં સંપૂર્ણ અહેવાલ વાંચવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો 

Disale, a district primary school teacher suffering from a severe shortage in Solapur, received the award for the most wonderful teacher in the world for his efforts. The award was launched in 2014 with the aim of awarding an outstanding teacher to the Wark Foundation for its outstanding contribution, with 12,000 teachers from around the world entering this year. As soon as the prize money was announced, Disale announced to distribute half of the remaining amount among fellow participating teachers. They say the teacher always believes in giving and sharing. It is worth noting that each runner-up who shares half of the prize money will receive હજાર 40,000.

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